Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Fat/Skinny Cow Snapping Elastic Thing.

I'm prone to having very detailed, yet random dreams. Whether I'm trying on dresses with Grace Kelly in my living room or watching the Olympic gymnastic trials with my mom and Michelle Obama, chances are, I've fallen asleep too soon after eating. After classes yesterday, I had a busy afternoon with three different dreams in the course of three hours! (I thought about giving up naps for Lent. My roommate wouldn't let me. I'd be too cranky.) Anyway, I just remembered what one of the dreams was.

I was in a cow suit doing really terrible pirouettes. We did them for the first time in class on Monday, and boy was I terrible! It kills me to think how good I used to be at this and now I'm a cow with no turn out. And, of course, I was mooing. I know where that one came from too, though. When I was a baby, one of my first words came very nonchalantly from the back of the car as my parents and I drove home from a wedding. Passing a field of grazing cows, I simply sighed and said, "moo." My parents laugh at me for that one all the time. Apparently it was pretty cute, unlike those pirouettes yesterday!

The hardest part about this ballet class for me is looking in the mirror and realizing the limitations that my body didn't have the last time I did these things. It's inspiring me to eat healthier(ish... right Denise??), to stretch, and to drag my carcass over to Halas more often. I only get a little bit of time each week to really test myself in class. I want to make the most of it. So, when I step up to the barre each day, I really am trying to focus all of my energy into my alignment, into presenting my turned out foot like there was a piece of Swiss chocolate on it, on keeping my hips square and my "fanny down," (as my old smelly instructor used to say).

We all wore these purple leotards with an elastic strap that sat right under our shoulder blades. She always used to snap mine really hard before I could even realize she was behind me. "Fanny down, Sarah! I'm going to tie a string from your navel to the ceiling." (It always drove me nuts how she said "navel". I don't know why.) I still feel her behind me when I'm at the barre now. I'm not sure if it makes any difference or not, but Janet is always right there, babbling about fannies and navels and snapping me with my own leotard. You'll probably think it's really odd that I find this comforting, but I do. I know that somewhere inside of me is this little girl who was cocky and knew she was good at what she was doing. She didn't let cow dreams or leotard snapping get to her. Wherever little me is, I'm trying to channel her each time I step up to the barre. Little ballet me is probably the most confident that I will ever be in my life. She's a pretty good role model as far as I'm concerned.

Nobody ever wanted to be in the middle of the living room at the age of four as badly as I did... except for maybe Barbra Streisand.

"Accentuate your positive, delete your negative." --Donna Karan


  1. You have such a great blog "voice" - so fun to read! Loved hearing about your old ballet teacher - there is an old school approach to technique that, while harsh, makes me feel a bit of nostalgia - We've all had this kind of teacher at some point!

    Yay! to taking risks (emotionally and physically) and to seeing where they take you. If ballet inspires you to make some healthy lifestyle choices - awesome.

  2. "You with the skinny legs!"
    Sarah- I love the picture on this, I am singing in my head right now
    Life's Candy and the Sun's a Ball of Butta!
    Haha, I'm so exicted for blogging ALL SUMMER LONG!
